Nevertheless, as in previous years there were some public events including a (virtual) pride event, and some LGBT activists were invited to participate in government-hosted workshops. LGBT people often conceal their identities in response, and those that are open faced censure and exclusion. The US Department of State report highlighted societal discrimination against LGBT people, which is gradually lessening but remains a concern. Singapore: Two separate cases before the Court of Appeal.Northern Cyprus: Petition before the European Court of Human Rights.Jamaica: Case Decided by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.European Union: A case before the Court of Justice.Belize: A constitutional challenge to the laws criminalising same-sex activity.Eastern Caribbean: Constitutional challenges to multiple laws criminalising same-sex activity.Sri Lanka: Case before UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).Search for something Submit search query Search Status of Commonwealth Sexual Offence Laws.Map of Countries that Criminalise LGBT People.